Unique hand painted silk Nuno jacket with batwing sleeves size small to medium £120
Hand blended and carded merino wool sculptural scarf with Nuno felt
Soft Nuno felted merino wool and hand dyed silk collar scarf with Nuno felt brooch .
Eco rug one day studio workshop £140 Create a beautiful natural sheep’s fleece rug felted from raw fleece. Date to suite
Gorgeous large Nuno felted merino wool and silk blue printed scarf special autumn sale £75 each
Nuno felt scarf with soft merino wool and hand dyed silk. Made to order £120 Day workshop £90
Needlefelt Robin and Blue tit kits are £20 each , this includes UK postage and an online mini tutorial video and all the materials to create two sitting Birds
Unique Nuno jacket made to order £750 workshop to make your own to fit , learn all the techniques 3 days £270 plus materials